Wednesday, 14 January 2015

New Year.

So 2015 is upon us, something which makes me incredibly happy. 2014 wasn't the best for a number of reasons and come December, I was counting down the days for the year to be over. I really don't like wishing time away.

Like most people, I have been thinking about resolutions and what I want to achieve/experience this year. While this is nothing new, I feel like I've literally hit the ground running.

G E T  F I T - when I lived in Leeds, I was at the gym around 4 times a week. I loved it. Since moving to London, I've indulged too much in my other love. Pizza. It doesn't help that to move gyms, my membership would increase to £125 per month! So I thought, I can sit around eating pizza or I can get moving. I've since signed up to do a 10K in a couple of weeks and the Hackney Half in May. Fingers crossed I'll complete it this time in under 2 hours!

T R A V E L - To be fair, I don't do too badly for travelling but I feel there is always room for improvement. I have flights booked for the Easter weekend to visit friends in Copenhagen and then possible trips to Vienna and Berlin and that's before a summer holiday and anything work throws my way!

E X P E R I E N C E - Again, not doing too badly with this one. I have tickets for 4 pretty big gigs coming up, an evening at the theatre booked and plans in motion for a festival in the summer. I feel like this is the easiest one as I do a lot in my spare time but sometimes, it feels a bit same old same old. I'm going to make a point of looking for events that are happening in places I wouldn't usually venture too and make sure I take full advantage of everything London has to offer, especially in the summer.

B E  H A P P Y - I feel like this one is massively generic but a lot of last year I was doing things that I felt I should be doing rather than doing things because I wanted to. This will not be happening anymore. If I don't like something or it doesn't do it for me, it can do one.

B L O G - This is the only one I feel I have been slacking on so far. Seeing as it's already the 14th and I'm writing a new year blog post. Ooops. I WILL BE MORE 'ON IT' THIS YEAR. I promise.

What are your new year resolutions and aims?

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